Started prototyping

Prototyping texture generating:
Mixing Cellular Automata (CA) with Wave Function Collapse (WFC) algorithm.

Although all of these examples are visual, in reality, only the final image needs to be viewable. The steps before the final image only happen on a 2D data grid. These steps are only viewable because it's easier to assess the success of the algorithms. In these cases the image and data gird is interchangeable. 

Step 1: Create a frame

The frame uses N different colours/input value. These values are used to fill in certain cells of the base grid. These values will dictate how the CA will fill in the grid. How much certain input values will spread can be set up as input parameter.

Step 2: Fill in the image  using a  CA, based on the frame

The frame has 2 extra columns and rows, hence "frame".  If the cells outside the visible part of the grid are set and reused multiple times the edge values of the different possible outcome will match giving the opportunity to create seamlessly connecting girds.

Step 3: We supply the grid generated by CA as the basis for the WFC

We use the different cell values in the grid, to identify which cell should hold tiles used by WFC from which tileset. We use the same number of tilesets as we have different input values for the base grid set by the frame.

The WFC algorithm sets up the tiles and the connections between them based on the supplied tileset. 

Sample tiles:

A 6x2 grid of 32x32 pixel tiles, used 2 different background colour, to be able to test the 2 coloured CA generated image

Note: The red squares on the image are errors of the current version, where either the CA is not setting values to certain cells in the grid or the WFC can't find a possible tile at a certain position.

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